bowler hats
- n.(尤指过去英国商人戴的)黑色圆顶硬呢帽
- bowler hat的复数

Bowler hats are not often worn nowadays .
On British album covers and pop videos , they are sometimes represented by men in bowler hats .
In a nod to its Victorian roots , many students arrive for training sessions in suits or hooped skirts , with watch fobs , bowler hats and pantaloons .
Some donned period costume , including furs and feathered hats for women and suits and bowler hats for men , to board the MS Balmoral at Southampton on the southern English coast .
Rows of men in dark suits , orange sashes and bowler hats marched through the streets , separated by huge embroidered banners depicting scenes from the Bible or Protestant victories .
As well as various types of shirts , trousers and pullovers , the items bought include 29 body armor covers , 28 high visibility jackets , four inspector Flat Caps and 22 constable bowler hats .
The British opening ceremony should probably be more modest bonfires , union-flag bowler hats , and lots and lots of bunting should do the trick even if there is a precedent for using performance-enhancing techniques .
In the prints aged by time , Mr Byron Clayton , a bespectacled , moustached gentleman , is depicted smiling for the camera in his hand alongside his friends all dressed in impeccable suits and bowler hats .